Investment Guide!

It could be that diversification is key and the thought of a property career sounds like a fun side hustle… Or you wish to create a property legacy which can be managed by the family for generational wealth.

Either way, many rewarding and high yielding opportunities exist and we can manage the whole process so you keep focussing on what makes you money!


Typical Offerings for Entrepreneurs; 

  • Buy to Let Mortgages
  • Limited Company Buy to Let Mortgages
  • Commercial Mortgage
  • Refurbishment Loans
  • Bridging & Development Finance 
  • Business Protection (Life Insurance / Key Man Cover)
  • Joint Ventures
  • Offset Business Profit & Save Corporation Tax (*See SIPP below)

These are some of the options which exist, that we can arrange in order to achieve above average returns, regular income and capital growth in a tax efficient manner.

Buy to Let 

Invest in a single Buy to Let property with no income verification and achieve 10% investment yield with little hassle, plus long term capital growth.

Virtually any property is acceptable providing you can invest up to 30% of the value, and the property is lettable. 

Portfolio Builder 

Buy multiple properties like above and multiply the returns and increase the regular income. Over time the capital growth over multiple properties can be significant, offering a great plan for the future. 

Its quite reasonable to expect that once a few properties are held the portfolio can grow itself with no further investment, because we will then use the growing equity / capital growth to purchase more. 

We have helped many single property landlords grow their portfolio into double figures, which now provides a steady stable income for life.

Refurbishment / Development / Auction

If you really wish to get stuck in you can find properties which need a bit of work, or something you wish to flip for a quick profit.

They can still be used in the above methods too, but its nice to add value from day one by getting your hands (or someone else’s) dirty.

Limited Company 

Most of the above can be achieved in a Ltd Co, and this is the best option if you are already generating income from your trading business.

Tax liabilities need to be kept to a minimum, so this is a great way to lend money from your main business in order to buy property, without needing to draw it as dividends and pay tax. 

Commercial Property 

For the levelled up entrepreneur consider commercial property for higher returns and less hassle. 

  • Long term tenants .
  • No repair, maintenance or insuring obligations.
  • Less regulation
  • Offset your business profit and save tax!

Not to mention the huge tax benefits if you consider placing commercial property into your pension scheme;

SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension)

If you don’t like tax and are looking to the future, then consider placing commercial property into your current businesses pensions scheme, or set up a new SIPP to hold commercial property.

There will then be no tax on the rental income received and the compounding effect of the plan retaining the profit can have a profound effect on the value of the portfolio at retirement.

This can be taken tax free at 55.

You can also invest your own companies profits in this manner, it will become a business expense thus fully tax deductible and you will save all of the associated corporation tax. 



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