Taking the hassle out of moving

There are lots of reasons you might decide to move home. No matter your reasoning, we offer reliable advice to help make your moving process an enjoyable one.

How we can help

Moving home can be stressful enough without having to spend hours finding the most suitable mortgage to facilitate your move.

We can help you every step of the way, from assisting with putting your old property on the market to collecting the keys to your new home and everything in between.

With detailed budget planning and cost of living all being part of the appointment process, you can be sure that when you do move into your new home, there will be no unexpected costs. 

Sales progression

Moving can be stressful without the right help and guidance with lots of different parties involved.

We can relieve the pressure.

We will speak to all parties including estate agents, solicitor’s, lenders and valuers on your behalf. That way, we can ensure you and they are kept up to date every step of the way. You can rest assured that we will keep a tight grasp on the whole process.


Porting refers to transporting your mortgage from one home to another. In the case of a home mover, from your old home to your new one.

Although it sounds daunting and will involve ‘reapplying’ for the mortgage with all the usual affordability and credit checks, with our years of expertise and experience in this process, we will make sure that you know exactly what you can achieve prior to you even finding your new property.

Let to buy

Let to Buy is when you wish to remortgage your current property on to a Buy to Let mortgage in order to let it out and move forward with purchasing a new home. It can be a tricky process but if done properly, it can allow you to keep your old property as an investment and even potentially release equity to assist with your new purchase.

Find out more information about let to buy


If you are in a position to build your new home, then a self-build mortgage is right for you.

A self-build mortgage can be used to assist with the purchase of land, to fund the cost of the build or anywhere in between. They are typically assessed very similar to standard residential mortgages however the funds are released in stages to assist at each step of the build process. It might sound scary but with the right guidance, can be made very simple.

Find out more about development finance

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend upon your circumstances. The fee is up to 1%, but a typical fee is £495 depending on your circumstances.

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    Common questions from home movers.

    Lendese have access to thousands of mortgage deals, including many exclusive deals not available elsewhere, along with specialist lenders who can assist with unique situations.


    ASAP! If you are moving home, consulting a mortgage broker should be your first step. This means that you can comfortably go out to the marketplace and search for properties with peace of mind, along with discussing how to sell your existing property.

    Yes you do. Although we can obtain an AIP (agreement in principle) without providing property details, on full application, a lender will want to know the details of the property you are purchasing to make sure it fits within their criteria.

    Lenders will want to know which solicitor you plan to use as part of the application process. We are more than happy to recommend a solicitor and will always provide you with a comparable quote for legal services. However, if you have chosen one or already have an existing relationship this is no problem at all.

    We aim to get a mortgage offer issued within 30 days. This will always be subject to underwriters and valuers, so can differ. We can also expedite this should there be a pressing exchange deadline, or indeed obtain an extension should a delayed completion be necessary.

    The help to buy scheme has now ended however there are many other schemes which may help you purchase your new home, we will be happy to advise on these.

    Generally, lenders assess affordability in the same way for Homemovers and First Time Buyers. However, you may be able to borrow more if you have a larger deposit, which may apply to you if you have built up equity in your current property.

    Yes. Please refer to our credit repair page for more info.

    Usually a lender will waive any early repayment charges if you are porting your current mortgage. This even applies if you need to borrow more.

    Currently, home movers do not pay stamp duty for purchases up to £250,000.

    Usually, the lowest deposit you can place is 5%, this depends on your chosen lender.

    Yes the mortgage will be treated as a new application, so besides the fact you wont pay an early repayment charge, we can still add a party to the mortgage.

    Get Protected

    For added peace of mind

    Always protect your mortgage!

    The aim of a protection policy is to ensure that should the worst happen, you or your family can remain in your home whether that be as a result of the mortgage being repaid or assistance with the monthly mortgage payments.

    There are plenty of different policies which can ensure this so click the link below to find out more.

    Find out more about mortgage protection