What is a Mortgage Guarantor and How Can They Help?

What Are the Responsibilities of a Mortgage Guarantor?

If you have a mortgage guarantor, they will be responsible for making your mortgage payments if you’re unable to do so. It’s important to note that being a mortgage guarantor is a serious responsibility, and they should only agree to be a guarantor if they’re confident that they can meet the financial obligations. They’ll also need to undergo credit checks and provide evidence of their income and assets to the lender.

What Are the Risks of Being a Mortgage Guarantor?

Being a mortgage guarantor comes with risks, as the guarantor is essentially taking on the responsibility for someone else’s mortgage. If the borrower is unable to make the repayments, the guarantor will be responsible for making the payments. This means that if the guarantor doesn’t have enough money to cover the repayments, they could face financial difficulties themselves. Additionally, being a guarantor could affect the guarantor’s ability to obtain credit in the future.

What Happens if You Can’t Make Your Mortgage Payments?

If you’re unable to make your mortgage payments, your mortgage guarantor will be responsible for making the payments on your behalf. If they’re unable to do so, the lender may repossess your property. It’s important to communicate with your lender and your guarantor as soon as possible if you’re having difficulty making your payments. There may be options available to help you, such as a payment holiday or a switch to interest-only payments.

How Can You Release Your Guarantor?

If you have a mortgage guarantor, you may want to release them from their obligations at some point in the future. This can be done through a process called a guarantor release. To release your guarantor, you’ll need to demonstrate to your lender that you’re able to make your mortgage payments on your own. You may need to provide evidence of your income and assets, as well as show that you’ve made your payments on time for a certain period.


Having a mortgage guarantor can be a useful way to get onto the property ladder, particularly if you have a low credit score or little savings. However, being a guarantor comes with risks, so it’s important to consider the implications carefully before agreeing to be a guarantor. If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments, it’s important to communicate with you

Common questions about mortgage guarantors

A mortgage guarantor is a person who agrees to take responsibility for the mortgage repayments if the borrower is unable to keep up with them.

A mortgage guarantor is usually a family member or close friend who has a good credit history and is willing to take on the responsibility of the mortgage repayments.

The role of a mortgage guarantor is to provide security to the lender by promising to make the mortgage payments in the event that the borrower is unable to do so.

A mortgage guarantor can help someone secure a mortgage by providing the lender with the confidence they need to lend the money. With a guarantor in place, lenders are more willing to lend to borrowers who may not meet their usual lending criteria, such as first-time buyers or those with a poor credit history.

The main risk of being a mortgage guarantor is that if the borrower defaults on their mortgage payments, the guarantor is responsible for making the payments. This can have serious financial consequences for the guarantor, including damage to their credit score and potential legal action.

It is possible for a guarantor to be released from their responsibilities, but this will depend on the terms of the mortgage agreement. Some lenders will release the guarantor once a certain amount of the mortgage has been paid off or once the property has increased in value enough to cover the outstanding balance. However, in most cases, the guarantor will be responsible for the full term of the mortgage.